Fattening the milk check


Fernando Diaz

Milk fat is synthesised from fatty acids that come from the peripheral circulation (60%) or are synthesised de novo in the mammary gland (40%). Fatty acids with 4-14 carbons and part of those with 16 carbons derive from de novo synthesis in the mammary gland with the main source of carbons being acetate and in less proportion beta-hydroxy-butyrate.

The rest of the fatty acids of 16 carbons and all of those with 18 carbons and longer chains derive from circulating fatty acids, arising from the absorption of dietary lipids or fat mobilisation from body reserves.

One reasonable approach to enhance profitability in dairy farms is the strategic production of milk components without negatively affecting cow performance, health or reproduction.

Fig. 1. shows the price paid for butterfat in the Midwestern United States during the last 12 months according to the Federal Milk Marketing Order published by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the US Department of Agriculture.

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