Are standard operating procedures useful?


Fernando Diaz

A standard operating procedure (SOP) is a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an organization to help employees perform tasks in a repetitive manner.

Dairy producers from Germany were surveyed about the organization of work processes at their farms. Using a comprehensive questionnaire including 16 questions, the researchers (Hesse et al., 2017) analyzed the use, development, and utilization of SOPs in 248 dairy farms. Farms were classified as small (23% dairies; up to 100 cows), medium (53%; 101–500), and large (23%; >500).

Most of the producers (82%) indicated the existence of SOP at their farms (69, 83, and 93% of small, medium, and large farms, respectively). Feeding (73%), milking (73%), calf handling (64%), and management of fresh cow (54%) were the most common areas in which SOPs were put in place.

Across farmers, the primary benefits of using SOPs were consistent work performance, monitoring of work processes, and improvement of animal health.

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